What Are the Differences between Joint and Sole Custody? When do I hire a Child Custody Attorney?
New Yorkers have a lower divorce rate than other major cities in the country, at just around 6.2%. Nevertheless, when New York couples choose to divorce there are...
About Bone Fractures and When to Hire a Lawyer
A report stated that broken bone injuries are on the rise, both among adults and children. The study found that brittle bones impact more than 50...
Manufacturing Errors Lead to Auto Accidents
Recently there has been significant news about the future of driving. More specifically, the possibility of self-driving automobiles appears to be on the horizon. What was...
Are Google Glasses Really Safe For Use While Driving?
Have you ever heard of Google Glasses? They are the newest wearable computer device created by the tech gurus at Google. This device provides online information via the use of...
Construction Worker Killed in Fall: Family May be Entitled to Compensation
According to The New York Times, a worker believed to be in his 40’s died last week when he was involved in a scaffolding accident at the Dream New York hotel in Midtown...
East Harlem Gas Leak Explosion: Anyone Affected Might Have a Suit
In just a few minutes, everything can change and that was the case for the residents of 1644 and 1646 Park Ave. in East Harlem. On March 12, 2014 people had left for work and...
Here’s the hard truth: lawsuits are a huge time investment and can be difficult and since we don’t get paid unless you win, we only take cases we believe in and know we can win so we don’t waste your time, or ours. Then we give it everything we’ve got.