Dangers of a NYC Subway Accident
If you have been the victim of a subway accident, it is imperative that you file a claim within ninety days of the incident. To ensure you bring an accurate, comprehensive...
New York Auto Accident Attorneys Deal with Distracted Drivers
Auto accidents in New York City happen every day. Impatient and distracted drivers oftentimes cause minor to severe injuries and even death. New York auto accident attorneys are...
New York Auto Accident Attorneys Fight For Injured Parties
There is no denying that New York City is crowded and always moving at a fast pace. Each day, hundreds of thousands of people commute around the city in various ways including...
New York City Medical Malpractice Lawyers
One of the common complaints among New York City medical malpractice lawyers is that the laws involving death caused by the fault of another, otherwise known as wrongful death...
How to Sue Your Landlord For Negligence in NYC
If you or a family member has suffered an injury due to a hazardous condition it is imperative that you fully understand your legal rights and all possible options available to...
Accidents Happen: New York Slip and Fall Lawyers
Muhammad Ali once said, “Life is a gamble. You can get hurt, but people die in plane crashes, lose their arms and legs in car accidents; people die every day. Same with fighters:...
Here’s the hard truth: lawsuits are a huge time investment and can be difficult and since we don’t get paid unless you win, we only take cases we believe in and know we can win so we don’t waste your time, or ours. Then we give it everything we’ve got.